Cashless Payment Wristbands for Events

Turbo charge your wristbands with our suite of solutions to drive revenue, streamline processes and deliver the perfect guest experience!

Medtech revtek cashless payment wristband with qr code for events

Event Wristbands with Cashless Payment Technology

Minimize physical contact and enhance user experience with our unique cashless wristband products. Allow guests to automatically purchase food, drinks, and merchandise at any event while eliminating endless wait times. Authenticate, track, report and market to users while at the event via our app. 

Revolutionize the Event Experience

  • Shorter Lines
  • Secure Cashless Payments
  • Better Crowd Management
  • Contactless Security Access
  • Social Media Engagement
  • Drive Sponsor Revenue


Would you rather have a plain band that simply manages the access only to your venue?

Or would you rather have a band solution that delivers value to your guests, provides new customers to your sponsors, and delivers data so that you can continue to improve your event experience?


No better time! Get their feedback immediately after the experience. Launch our video survey direct from a unique QR Code on your wristband or poster.


Our video analysis services deliver custom playlists of the common themes found in your footage.


Post the videos on your social media sites, or even during your event in real-time! Conduct contests, market research campaigns, and much more.

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